Friday, December 31, 2010

Out with the old, In with the New!

Well everyone, we have come to the end of another year. The final hours of 2010 are upon us. Many think of a New Year as a fresh start. A time to change unwanted habits, learn new things, and embark on new adventures. Recently, I have noticed a lot of opposition to the traditional "New Year's Resolution". Many wonder "Why make vows to change when you can start today? Don't talk about it, be about it!" While in theory this sound nice, I may have to disagree to a point.

A New Year causes people, who otherwise wouldn't do so, to think about what has occurred during the past year. I personally believe that self-evaluation is important no matter when you decide to do it. Maybe you like to wait until you have the freshness of a New Year to begin to embark on a better you. Some people evaluate themselves periodically and make changes throughout the year. I say whatever works for you is the best method and never allow anyone to mock you or tell you different. Often times as humans we think our way is the best when we need to understand that we all approach life differently. My way is not necessarily wrong and neither is yours.

With that said, make resolutions!!! Or don't!!!! Just make 2011 count. Live each day to the fullest and expect greatness. Last year, I set an expectation for my life. I expected God to do great things and to receive an A in my classes. I did accomplish my goal of getting an A (Securities Regulations...go me!!!) and as for whether or not God did something great in my life...I'm still breathing aren't I.

So to whoever may stumble across this blog, I wish you a Happy New Year and all of God's blessings in 2011 and every year to come!

As always in parting, Grace and Peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

To Check or Not to Check...That is the Question!

I guess I really should have entitled this blog trust, because that's what a lot of people would say this issue boils down to. Do you trust your significant other enough not to snoop through their email, text messages, voicemail, etc.?

Check out this article about a man who checked his wife's gmail account and is now facing up to 5 years of imprisonment for doing so:

Now I'll be quite frank...I'm nosier than the nosiest girl you know and I like to know what's going on with my man. I have come to the point where I trust my babe enough to not check all of his accounts, but believe me it took some time to get there lol. However, the thought that someone can be sent to jail for checking emails scares the future lawyer in me (nothing's screwing up my admission to the bar...not after these 2.5 years of torture!). Understandably, there is a level of privacy that must be respected and I know it's a federal offense to mess with someone else's mail, so the same probably should be applicable to email. However, when is it OK to check someone else's email? What if you have a keylogger program on your computer that takes periodic screen shots? Is it a crime to look at screen shots that might show glimpses of another person's email? I smell slippery slope here.....

But, back to my original check or not to check? Let's ignore the potential illegality of checking your hunny's accounts...would you check it? I've always been a proponent for checking because of my past experiences. I've caught a few men in the midst of their lies (whether I've confronted them or not) and these experiences left me even more suspicious of men and what they may be hiding. Yes, I love my boyfriend and I trust him, but I was damaged in the beginning and I needed confirmation. To be honest, some of you reading this right now know that if you checked your mate's email, voicemail, or facebook account right now you'd see some stuff that would knock the word trust out of your vocabulary. To one up that thought, some of you know that if your mate checked your accounts that would be the end of your relationship.

And please don't come at me with the whole "if you think he's cheating on you, just leave. Why check his email" nonsense. What if you don't think he's cheating on you and he is? (I say he, but this is applicable to girls too). There are some naive chicks out there that need to check something of his just so they can hear the other female seducing their man on his voicemail for themselves.

I don't know. I think I'm an advocate for a probation period. Check his stuff for a month...if you don't find anything, you're probably in a good position. However, if you see something that peaks your interest, do your research lol. I know more than half the people that read this are going to strongly disagree with me, but that's how I feel...sorry *kanye shrug* Ignorance is not bliss!

That's all for now bloggers and bloggettes. As always, Grace and peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!

*Oh, and this is about 4 days late, time you say Christmas do not omit Christ! Do some research about what you're celebrating. Taking Christ out of that makes it pointless and materialistic. It's all about Jesus!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Long Will the Status Quo Be Enough....

So, I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about a situation that her friend is in (and yes people, this is someone's's not a roundabout way for me to avoid directly talking about my issues lol). To avoid directly putting her friend's business out here on the world wide web, I'll fudge the facts a little and give a name to our Anonymous here's the hypo:

Diane is a single 29 year old college graduate. She's fairly successful in all realms of her life expect one See, she's been dating Tyrell for 3 years without a commitment. Diane is well aware of the fact that Tyrell is involved with other women and she is seemingly OK with that. Or is she?

Now analyze this situation ladies. I've met plenty of women in Diane's situation or a variation of her situation. I've even been in a variation of this situation. I wholeheartedly believe that you can't call this a relationship because it's not. It's a situation...that needs to be dealt with. The question is when. And really, that's up to Diane. No one can make her leave until she's ready. I'm not really a fan of Keri Hilson, but honestly every woman does have a breaking point. What's yours? When does the "status quo" stop being a enough and you realize that you're worth more than the situation you're in.

I'm in a relationship and we have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day he treats me the way I deserve to be treated and my status quo is what it needs to be. So, I couldn't really give my friend the right advice when she asked me what to tell her friend to make her realize that she deserves more. I mean...yeah, I was there once. I didn't realize I deserved better than what I was getting, but you couldn't tell me to leave. I truly believe at the point the fear of being alone got in the way of realizing the potential of what it could be like to be happy with someone who honestly loved me. Hindsight is 20/20 and if I were blasted back to 2005/06/07....well, my whole college years lol, I would smack myself in the face until I woke up and stopped being stupid! Yet, on the other hand I am a true believer in the quote that says something to the effect of "I never understood why it didn't work out with the others until I met you". Not being treated like I deserve helped me to appreciate the love that my booca showers me with on a daily in that sense, I don't regret anything.

However, that still doesn't answer the overarching question. If you are a woman in a situation that you know you're not happy in...ask yourself....when does the status quo stop being enough? Do you expect him to change one day and suddenly decide you're the perfect girl for him? (I typed that with a lot of sarcasm). Or are you just hoping that while you're in this situation you'll suddenly meet someone you are supposed to be with...someone who loves you and will care for you. I will warn you about this...while you're stupidly in love with this idiot who cannot appreciate you for the Queen that you are, you may be stupidly letting the King that God has predestined to be you husband slip through your fingers. Think about ending the status quo today.

Sex is not're never alone with God...Love is a word that comes and goes...Find someone who truly means and understands those four letters

And as always in parting...Grace and Peace be with you....Jesus is Lord!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

You Know What Grinds My Gears.....

Well, if you really know me then you know the answer to that question is a lot of things. However, incompetence is definitely at the top of that list. If you cannot be a competent business woman or man and operate a competently run business then guess what??? Yup, that's right...don't start a business. And now it's time to put a business on blast....

The "Incompetent Business of the Month" award goes to
Tre Greek in Atlanta. Ladies and Gentlemen, sit back and listen to a tale of incompetence so great that it grinds my gears. So, I am a part of a very illustrious organization known to many of you as the great Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Recently, we welcomed 6 lovely and finer ladies into our chapter. So, I stumbled upon Tre Greek's website and was induced to buy some of the para offered for sale. I made my purchase on November 4th. On November 21st, after checking my mailbox 3 million times, I noticed that I did not receive any packages containing my long awaited merchandise. Puzzled and a little annoyed, I emailed the customer service website stating the following:


I placed this order over two weeks ago at this point and I have not received these products nor any confirmation of delivery. Can you please advise of the status. At this point I am very dissatisfied with the lack of communication regarding my order and would appreciate a full refund. Please advise immediately. Thank you."

I received the following monument of nothingness on November 23rd:

"Our apologies for the breakdown in communication. Our web host has an automated system to update customers on orders placed and it appears that it has not been working properly. We just became aware of the breakdown.
As it relates to your order. We have the charm bracelet, and necklace in stock. The Zeta tote is on backorder from our supplier. If you would prefer, we can send you the bracelet and necklace now and when the tote comes in, send it separately.
For your inconvenience, we can include a few complimentary Zeta items to show our gratitude to you for being a valued Tre' customer. If you would prefer to move ahead with the refund. We can process that as well. Please advise.
Customer Service
Tre' - A Greek Boutique "

My response to that:

"Thank you for your response. Please send me the items that you can and I will wait for the tote."

And their response to that:

"We will ship them out tomorrow and will email you the confirmation number.
Customer Service
Tre' - A Greek Boutique"

Guys and Dolls, it is December 9th 9:24 post-meridian and I have yet to receive a package or a confirmation delivery. Nope...nothing...

So, I sent Tre Greek an email yesterday and do you know my email bounced back to me?!?!?!?!?! So I called those incompetent individuals down there in the A-T-L and left a message. Of course, I have not received a response to date. Trust I will call again tomorrow bright and early. Oh, and the Better Business Bureau is my best friend.

Tre Greek...this is not will not take my money in exchange for your tools of incompetence. No sir!!!!!


And that sophisticats and gals is one of the many things that grinds my gears.

Until next time! Grace and Peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Best Way to Procastinate....

You know what's the best way to procrastinate???? Find anything and everything else to do under the sun! I should be studying for a final right now, but instead I'm blogging...something I never do. Well, anywho....blogging has become something of interest to many people lately. Some people try to be profound and write their views on what they deem to be important topics and some people try to chat about their hobbies or knowledge of a certain topic. Seems like I really will be doing neither because truthfully I don't have time. Although I love to procrastinate as much as the next gal, I really can only allow myself to stray of the path for but so long.

So with that said...Here are my random rants for the moment....

I just learned how to work the video function on my laptop *yay me!!!* However, I need a new laptop :-( I'm thankful for the one I have while being ashamed at the same time. The "k" button needs to be pressed really hard in order to type and the "n" button no longer exists....I mean there's a button there, but it doesn't say "n". It's a blank button. Hopefully, I'll get an upgrade in my life before I take the bar.

Speaking of the bar, congratulation to the Brooklyn Law School Class of 2010 for attaining a 90% passage rate and allowing the school to rank #4 in terms of bar passage rates in NY (behind NY, Columbia, and Cornell in that order I believe). Kudos to you all.

Well...for a first post this random bit of rambling wasn't too bad. Stay tuned because I definitely will talk about the following things in the future:

  • My hair - I am transitioning WITHOUT the big chop. I have been transitioning for about 16 months now.
  • Relationships - I'm not going to talk about relationships that much because obviously everyone thinks they're an expert when it comes to love. However, whenever I feel compelled I will talk about my thoughts on the subject. Whenever I do post about relationships though, I will warn you that I am not necessarily talking about my relationship. That is not my style to put my business out there.
  • Cooking - I love to bake and I like to cook (notice the difference between love and like). I'd love to share my hits and misses in the kitchen with you all.
  • School - School is my life right now so you will naturally hear a lot about law school and what's going on with me.
  • Random Topics - It's my blog and I can rant if I want to...rant if I want to...rant if I want would rant too if this blog was for yoooooouuuu lol
Well guys and dolls, ladies and gents, sophisticated cats and dames lol....That is all for today. Join me another day for more in my life....Grace and Peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!