I guess I really should have entitled this blog trust, because that's what a lot of people would say this issue boils down to. Do you trust your significant other enough not to snoop through their email, text messages, voicemail, etc.?
Check out this article about a man who checked his wife's gmail account and is now facing up to 5 years of imprisonment for doing so:
Now I'll be quite frank...I'm nosier than the nosiest girl you know and I like to know what's going on with my man. I have come to the point where I trust my babe enough to not check all of his accounts, but believe me it took some time to get there lol. However, the thought that someone can be sent to jail for checking emails scares the future lawyer in me (nothing's screwing up my admission to the bar...not after these 2.5 years of torture!). Understandably, there is a level of privacy that must be respected and I know it's a federal offense to mess with someone else's mail, so the same probably should be applicable to email. However, when is it OK to check someone else's email? What if you have a keylogger program on your computer that takes periodic screen shots? Is it a crime to look at screen shots that might show glimpses of another person's email? I smell slippery slope here.....
But, back to my original question...to check or not to check? Let's ignore the potential illegality of checking your hunny's accounts...would you check it? I've always been a proponent for checking because of my past experiences. I've caught a few men in the midst of their lies (whether I've confronted them or not) and these experiences left me even more suspicious of men and what they may be hiding. Yes, I love my boyfriend and I trust him, but I was damaged in the beginning and I needed confirmation. To be honest, some of you reading this right now know that if you checked your mate's email, voicemail, or facebook account right now you'd see some stuff that would knock the word trust out of your vocabulary. To one up that thought, some of you know that if your mate checked your accounts that would be the end of your relationship.
And please don't come at me with the whole "if you think he's cheating on you, just leave. Why check his email" nonsense. What if you don't think he's cheating on you and he is? (I say he, but this is applicable to girls too). There are some naive chicks out there that need to check something of his just so they can hear the other female seducing their man on his voicemail for themselves.
I don't know. I think I'm an advocate for a probation period. Check his stuff for a month...if you don't find anything, you're probably in a good position. However, if you see something that peaks your interest, do your research lol. I know more than half the people that read this are going to strongly disagree with me, but that's how I feel...sorry *kanye shrug* Ignorance is not bliss!
That's all for now bloggers and bloggettes. As always, Grace and peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!
*Oh, and this is about 4 days late, but...next time you say Christmas do not omit Christ! Do some research about what you're celebrating. Taking Christ out of that makes it pointless and materialistic. It's all about Jesus!!!!
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