Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Best Way to Procastinate....

You know what's the best way to procrastinate???? Find anything and everything else to do under the sun! I should be studying for a final right now, but instead I'm blogging...something I never do. Well, anywho....blogging has become something of interest to many people lately. Some people try to be profound and write their views on what they deem to be important topics and some people try to chat about their hobbies or knowledge of a certain topic. Seems like I really will be doing neither because truthfully I don't have time. Although I love to procrastinate as much as the next gal, I really can only allow myself to stray of the path for but so long.

So with that said...Here are my random rants for the moment....

I just learned how to work the video function on my laptop *yay me!!!* However, I need a new laptop :-( I'm thankful for the one I have while being ashamed at the same time. The "k" button needs to be pressed really hard in order to type and the "n" button no longer exists....I mean there's a button there, but it doesn't say "n". It's a blank button. Hopefully, I'll get an upgrade in my life before I take the bar.

Speaking of the bar, congratulation to the Brooklyn Law School Class of 2010 for attaining a 90% passage rate and allowing the school to rank #4 in terms of bar passage rates in NY (behind NY, Columbia, and Cornell in that order I believe). Kudos to you all.

Well...for a first post this random bit of rambling wasn't too bad. Stay tuned because I definitely will talk about the following things in the future:

  • My hair - I am transitioning WITHOUT the big chop. I have been transitioning for about 16 months now.
  • Relationships - I'm not going to talk about relationships that much because obviously everyone thinks they're an expert when it comes to love. However, whenever I feel compelled I will talk about my thoughts on the subject. Whenever I do post about relationships though, I will warn you that I am not necessarily talking about my relationship. That is not my style to put my business out there.
  • Cooking - I love to bake and I like to cook (notice the difference between love and like). I'd love to share my hits and misses in the kitchen with you all.
  • School - School is my life right now so you will naturally hear a lot about law school and what's going on with me.
  • Random Topics - It's my blog and I can rant if I want to...rant if I want to...rant if I want would rant too if this blog was for yoooooouuuu lol
Well guys and dolls, ladies and gents, sophisticated cats and dames lol....That is all for today. Join me another day for more in my life....Grace and Peace be with you! Jesus is Lord!

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